Interested in becoming part of the Clifton Family?

10/30/2009 22:23


CBC is a family of believers who have come together to follow Jesus Christ and share His gospel and love throughout Forest, MS and the world.  Anyone who will be in agreement with our mission and beliefs may present themselves for membership in one of the following ways...

By profession of faith:

If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and desire to confess Him before men and be baptized, we will welcome you into the family.

By transfer of your membership from another Baptist Church:

If God leads you to join our church family, we will be happy to welcome you and we will take the necessary steps to have your membership transferred here.

By statement of faith:

If you know in your heart that you have received Jesus as your personal Savior according to the biblical standard of salvation, we will be delighted to receive you.  If your present church membership is with a different denomination and you have not been baptized by immersion, we would expect you to be baptized in obedience to Christ before being added to the membership of CBC.  At the invitation time, our pastor and/or counselors will assist you and answer any questions that you may have.


Clifton Baptist Church 5034 Clifton Hillsboro Road Forest, MS 39074 601-625-7833